Maria Bjørnestad defends PhD thesis
Maria Bjørnestad defended her PhD thesis on the 28th of October 2021. From left: Henrik Kalisch, Paola Bacigaluppi, Maria Bjørnestad,...
Maria Bjørnestad defends PhD thesis
B'Waves 2021
Extreme wave runup on a steep coastal profile
Special issue in honour of Kristian Dysthe on the occasion of his 80th birthday
Evgueni Dinvay defended his PhD thesis
MegaRoller workshop in Bergen
Field study on Sylt
"Wave breaking in undular bores created by a moving weir" published in Physics of Fluids
Creating the ultimate teaching environment
Vincent Teyekpiti defended his PhD thesis
EU splashes 5 million on Megaroller
Visit to the Department of Civil Engineering at NCHU in Taiwan